
What it does

The preprocessing pipeline handles a few tasks that are commonly done by some, but not all, sequencing providers:

* Merging samples across lanes (or technical replicates)
* Removal of apparent optical duplicates
* Reformatting fastq files to extract UMIs
* Running FastQC

Input requirements

The minimal requirement is a directory of fastq files. If files should be merged (e.g., the sequencing provider did not merge samples across lanes) then a sample sheet should also be provided of the following form:

sample1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz _R1     sample1
sample1_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz _R2     sample1
sample1_S1_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz _R1     sample1
sample1_S1_L002_R2_001.fastq.gz _R2     sample1
sample1_S1_L003_R1_001.fastq.gz _R1     sample1
sample1_S1_L003_R2_001.fastq.gz _R2     sample1

The first column contains file names, the second the associated read 1/2 designator (this should match the --reads option), and finally the desired sample name.

Care should be given when setting --optDedupDist, as values of 0 (the default) disable removal of optical duplicates. The appropriate value to use is sequencer-dependent.

Understanding the outputs

The preprocessing pipeline can generate the following files and directories (depending on the options given):

├── deduplicatedFASTQ
│   ├── sample1.metrics
│   ├── sample1_R1.fastq.gz
│   ├── sample1_R1_optical_duplicates.fastq.gz
│   ├── sample1_R2.fastq.gz
│   ├── sample1_R2_optical_duplicates.fastq.gz
│   └── optical_dedup_mqc.json
├── FastQC
├── mergedFASTQ
├── multiQC
└── originalFASTQ

As shown above, the pipeline produces the following directories:

  • mergedFASTQ : If a sample sheet is given, this file contains the merged fastq files.

  • deduplicatedFASTQ: The results of optical duplicate removal (or symlinks to mergedFASTQ). The "_optical_duplicates" files contain the reads marked by clumpify as being likely optical duplicates. The associated ".metrics" file contains two values: number of optical duplicates and then the total reads. The optical_dedup_mqc.json file merges the various sample metrics files for downstream use by MultiQC.

  • originalFASTQ : This folder exists from compatibility with other pipelines and will contain either symlinks to the original fastq files or, if a sample sheet is specified, those in deduplicatedFASTQ.

  • FASTQ: Fastq files produced by UMI processing (or symlinks to originalFASTQ).

  • FastQC: If the --fastqc parameter was given, the output of FastQC.

  • multiQC: If either FastQC was run or optical duplicates were removed, an interactive web report will be created using MultiQC.

Command line options

MPI-IE workflow for preprocessing

usage example:

preprocessing -i input-dir -o output-dir --optDedupDist 2500 --clumpifyOptions

usage: Preprocessing -i INDIR -o OUTDIR [-h] [-v] [--ext EXT]
                     [--reads READS READS] [-c CONFIGFILE]
                     [--clusterConfigFile CLUSTERCONFIGFILE] [-j INT]
                     [--local] [--keepTemp]
                     [--snakemakeOptions SNAKEMAKEOPTIONS] [--DAG] [--version]
                     [--emailAddress EMAILADDRESS] [--smtpServer SMTPSERVER]
                     [--smtpPort SMTPPORT] [--onlySSL]
                     [--emailSender EMAILSENDER] [--smtpUsername SMTPUSERNAME]
                     [--smtpPassword SMTPPASSWORD] [--fastqc] [--bcExtract]
                     [--bcPattern BCPATTERN] [--optDedupDist OPTDEDUPDIST]
                     [--clumpifyOptions CLUMPIFYOPTIONS]
                     [--clumpifyMemory CLUMPIFYMEMORY]
                     [--sampleSheet SAMPLESHEET | --automaticIlluminaMerging]

Required Arguments

-i, --input-dir

input directory containing the FASTQ files, either paired-end OR single-end data

-o, --output-dir

output directory

General Arguments

-v, --verbose

verbose output (default: 'False')


Suffix used by input fastq files (default: '".fastq.gz"').


Suffix used to denote reads 1 and 2 for paired-end data. This should typically be either '_1' '_2' or '_R1' '_R2' (default: '['_R1', '_R2']). Note that you should NOT separate the values by a comma (use a space) or enclose them in brackets.

-c, --configFile

configuration file: config.yaml (default: 'None')


configuration file for cluster usage. In absence, the default options specified in defaults.yaml and workflows/[workflow]/cluster.yaml would be selected (default: 'None')

-j, --jobs

maximum number of concurrently submitted Slurm jobs / cores if workflow is run locally (default: '5')


run workflow locally; default: jobs are submitted to Slurm queue (default: 'False')


Prevent snakemake from removing files marked as being temporary (typically intermediate files that are rarely needed by end users). This is mostly useful for debugging problems.


Snakemake options to be passed directly to snakemake, e.g. use --snakemakeOptions='--dryrun --rerun-incomplete --unlock --forceall'. WARNING! ONLY EXPERT USERS SHOULD CHANGE THIS! THE DEFAULT VALUE WILL BE APPENDED RATHER THAN OVERWRITTEN! (default: '['--use-conda']')


If specified, a file ending in _pipeline.pdf is produced in the output directory that shows the rules used and their relationship to each other.


show program's version number and exit

Email Arguments


If specified, send an email upon completion to the given email address


If specified, the email server to use.


The port on the SMTP server to connect to. A value of 0 specifies the default port.


The SMTP server requires an SSL connection from the beginning.


The address of the email sender. If not specified, it will be the address indicated by --emailAddress


If your SMTP server requires authentication, this is the username to use.


If your SMTP server requires authentication, this is the password to use.



Run FastQC read quality control (default: 'False')


To extract umi barcode from fastq file via UMI-tools and add it to the read name (default: 'False')


The pattern to be considered for the barcode. 'N' = UMI position (required) 'C' = barcode position (optional) (default: '')


The maximum distance between clusters to mark one as an optical duplicate of the other. Setting this to 0 will disable optical deduplication, which is only needed on patterned flow cells (NextSeq, NovaSeq, HiSeq 3000/4000, etc.). Common values are: 2500 (HiSeq 3000/4000), 40 (NextSeq) or 12000 (NovaSeq). (default: '0')


Options passed to clumpify, which should generally NOT be changed. The exception to this is with NextSeq runs, where 'spany=t adjacent=t' should be ADDED. (default: '"dupesubs=0 qin=33 markduplicates=t optical=t")


This controls how much memory clumpify is instructed to use, in GB. This may need to be increased if samples are particularly large or there are MANY optical duplicates. This is passed to clumpify (e.g., as -Xmx30G). You may additionally need to instruct your scheduler about the per-core memory usage (e.g., in cluster.yaml). (default: '"30G"')


Information on samples (required for merging across lanes); see 'docs/content/preprocessing_sampleSheet.example.tsv' for an example. The first set of columns should hold the current sample names (excluding things like _R1.fastq.gz or _1.fastq.gz) while the second holds the name that the final sample should have (again, excluding things like _R1.fastq.gz or _1.fastq.gz). (default: 'None')


Instead of manually specifying a sample sheet that can be used to merge samples, this option assumes that fastq files in the input directory follow the default output of bcl2fastq from Illumina and should be merged across lanes. An example of this would be that files named Sample1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz and Sample1_S1_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz would be merged to Sample1_R1.fastq.gz. This option CAN NOT be combined with --sampleSheet. It is assumed that standard R1/R2 read designators are being used and that all files end in .fastq.gz

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