What it does
The snakePipes makePairs workflow allows users to process their HiC/uC data from raw fastq files to HiC matrices (in an allele-specific manner). The workflow utilizes mapping by bwa, followed by analysis using pairtools . The workflow follows the example workflow described in the documentation of pairtools , which explains each step in detail and would be useful for new users to have a look at. Currently the output matrices are produced in the .pairs format.
Input requirements and outputs
This pipeline requires paired-end reads fastq files as input in order to build allele-specific contact matrices. The input fastq files will be trimmed (with fastp) and be mapped against a diploid reference genome (with bwa).
Prior to building the matrix, the pipeline generates two reference genomes (from a reference genome and a VCF file) that contains the information on haplotypes. The Haplotypes are set using the --strains flag. The two reference genomes are then merged to yield one reference genome (genome/diploid_genome.fa) which is indexed with bwa as the basis for mapping of paired-end reads. (Notice that this is different from the mono-allelic HiC workflow which map reads individually in single-end mode and combines them into contact pairs afterwards.
The output of mapping step is used by pairtools` to construct different contact matrices for each sample (in pairs format)
Workflow configuration file
Default parameters from the provided config file can be altered by user. Below is the config file description for the makePairs workflow :
pipeline: makePairs
local: False
maxJobs: 5
## directory with fastq files
## preconfigured target genomes (mm9,mm10,dm3,...) , see /path/to/snakemake_workflows/shared/organisms/
## Value can be also path to your own genome config file!
## FASTQ file extension (default: ".fastq.gz")
ext: '.fastq.gz'
## paired-end read name extension (default: ["_R1", "_R2"])
reads: ["_R1","_R2"]
## assume paired end reads
pairedEnd: True
## Number of reads to downsample from each FASTQ file
## Options for trimming
trim: True
trimmer: fastp
verbose: False
fastqc: True
UMIBarcode: False
UMIDedup: False
UMIDedupSep: "_"
UMIDedupOpts: "_"
plotFormat: png
bwBinSize: 1000
aligner: 'bwa'
alignerOptions: '-SPu -T0'
alignerThreads: 30
fromBAM: False
# Call snakemake directly, i.e. without using the wrapper script:
# Please save a copy of this config yaml file and provide an adjusted config
# via '--configFile' parameter!
# example call:
# snakemake --snakefile /path/to/snakemake_workflows/workflows/makePairs/Snakefile
# --configFile /path/to/snakemake_workflows/workflows/makePairs/defaults.yaml
# --directory /path/to/outputdir
# --VCFfile /path/to/vcf_file
# --strains strain1_name,strain2_name
# --cores 32
Structure of output directory
In addition to the FASTQ module results (see Running snakePipes), the workflow produces the following outputs:
|-- bam
|-- FastQC
|-- FastQC_trimmed
|-- FASTQ_fastp
|-- genome
|-- multiqc
|-- originalFASTQ
|-- pairs
|-- phase_stats
bam folder contains the mapping results in BAM format. The files were obtained after running bwa in paired-end mode.
originalFASTQ includes softlinks to the original FASTQ data
FASTQ links to originalFASTQ if no further filters are specified
FASTQ_fastp: trimmed FASTQ files output by fastp
FastQC FASTQC report on FASTQ directory
genome folder contains the diploid_genome.fa.gz that was constructed from 2 strain-specific genomes with rule diploid_genome. Chromosome sizes and indices (bwa) can also be found in this directory
multiqc folder contains the final QC report generated with MultiQC (including fastqc, fastp, and pairtools modules)
For the pairtools modules to work we used MultiQC from open2c as specified for the makePiars environment
pairs folder contains the parsed, phased, sorted and deduplicated contact matrices generated by pairtools.
phase_stats contains the 4 subsetted pairs files for each sample (unphased pairs, 2 different strains, trans pairs). QC statistics are also calculated and will be processed by MultiQC
Command line options
MPI-IE workflow for creating HiC matrices with pairtools
- usage example:
makePairs -i input-dir -o output-dir --VCFfile vcf --strains s1,s2 dm6
usage: makePairs -i INDIR -o OUTDIR [-h] [-v] [--ext EXT]
[--reads READS READS] [-c CONFIGFILE] [--keepTemp]
[--snakemakeOptions SNAKEMAKEOPTIONS] [--DAG] [--version]
[--emailAddress EMAILADDRESS] [--smtpServer SMTPSERVER]
[--smtpPort SMTPPORT] [--onlySSL] [--emailSender EMAILSENDER]
[--smtpUsername SMTPUSERNAME] [--smtpPassword SMTPPASSWORD]
[--VCFfile VCFFILE] [--strains STRAINS] [--SNPfile SNPFILE]
[--NMaskedIndex NMASKEDINDEX] [--downsample INT] [--trim]
[--trimmer {cutadapt,trimgalore,fastp}]
[--trimmerOptions TRIMMEROPTIONS] [--fastqc] [--bcExtract]
[--bcPattern BCPATTERN] [--UMIDedup]
[--plotFormat STR] [--aligner {bwa}]
[--alignerOptions ALIGNEROPTIONS] [--fromBAM]
Positional Arguments
Genome acronym of the target organism. Either a yaml file or one of: hg38, mm39_ens106, GRCh38_gencode40, dm6, GRCz10, SchizoSPombe_ASM294v2, mm10_gencodeM19, GRCz11
Required Arguments
- -i, --input-dir
input directory containing the FASTQ files, either paired-end OR single-end data
- -o, --output-dir
output directory
General Arguments
- -v, --verbose
verbose output (default: 'False')
- --ext
Suffix used by input fastq files (default: ''.fastq.gz'').
- --reads
Suffix used to denote reads 1 and 2 for paired-end data. This should typically be either '_1' '_2' or '_R1' '_R2' (default: '['_R1', '_R2']). Note that you should NOT separate the values by a comma (use a space) or enclose them in brackets.
- -c, --configFile
configuration file: config.yaml (default: 'None')
- --keepTemp
Prevent snakemake from removing files marked as being temporary (typically intermediate files that are rarely needed by end users). This is mostly useful for debugging problems.
- --snakemakeOptions
Snakemake options to be passed directly to snakemake, e.g. use --snakemakeOptions='--dryrun --rerun-incomplete --unlock --forceall'. WARNING! ONLY EXPERT USERS SHOULD CHANGE THIS! THE DEFAULT VALUE WILL BE APPENDED RATHER THAN OVERWRITTEN! (default: '['--use-conda']')
- --DAG
If specified, a file ending in _pipeline.pdf is produced in the output directory that shows the rules used and their relationship to each other.
- --version
show program's version number and exit
Email Arguments
- --emailAddress
If specified, send an email upon completion to the given email address
- --smtpServer
If specified, the email server to use.
- --smtpPort
The port on the SMTP server to connect to. A value of 0 specifies the default port.
- --onlySSL
The SMTP server requires an SSL connection from the beginning.
- --emailSender
The address of the email sender. If not specified, it will be the address indicated by --emailAddress
- --smtpUsername
If your SMTP server requires authentication, this is the username to use.
- --smtpPassword
If your SMTP server requires authentication, this is the password to use.
Allele-specific mapping arguments
- --VCFfile
VCF file to create N-masked genomes (default: 'None'). Note that for the makePairs workflow this file is assumed to be gzipped and indexed (with tabix).
- --strains
Name or ID of SNP strains separated by comma (default: 'None')
- --SNPfile
File containing SNP locations (default: 'None')
- --NMaskedIndex
N-masked index of the reference genome (default: 'None'). Note that this should point to a file (i.e. 'Genome' for STAR indices, genome.1.bt2 for bowtie2 indices).
- --downsample
Downsample the given number of reads randomly from of each FASTQ file (default: 'False')
- --trim
Activate fastq read trimming. If activated, Illumina adaptors are trimmed by default. Additional parameters can be specified under --trimmerOptions. (default: 'False')
- --trimmer
Possible choices: cutadapt, trimgalore, fastp
Trimming program to use: Cutadapt, TrimGalore, or fastp. Note that if you change this you may need to change --trimmerOptions to match! (default: ''fastp'')
- --trimmerOptions
Additional option string for trimming program of choice. (default: 'None')
- --fastqc
Run FastQC read quality control (default: 'False')
- --bcExtract
To extract umi barcode from fastq file via UMI-tools and add it to the read name (default: 'False')
- --bcPattern
The pattern to be considered for the barcode. 'N' = UMI position (required) 'C' = barcode position (optional) (default: ''NNNNCCCCCCCCC'')
- --UMIDedup
Deduplicate bam file based on UMIs via umi_tools dedup that are present in the read name. (default: 'False')
- --UMIDedupSep
umi separation character that will be passed to umi_tools.(default: ''_'')
- --UMIDedupOpts
Additional options that will be passed to umi_tools.(default: '''')
- --plotFormat
Possible choices: png, pdf, None
Format of the output plots from deepTools. Select 'none' for no plots (default: ''png'')
- --aligner
Possible choices: bwa
Program used for mapping: BWA (default: ''bwa''). If you change this, please change --alignerOptions to match.
- --alignerOptions
aligner option string, e.g.: '-SPu -T0' (default: ''-SPu -T0'')
- --fromBAM
Input folder with bam files. If provided, the analysis will start from this point. If bam files contain single ends, please specify --singleEnd additionally.